Roblox's Got Talent Gameplay
First Time in Roblox's Got Talent didn't know what to DO -- Roblox - About Roblox's Got Talent The owner of the game and group is a Robloxian called Tyrannizer. This is a game where the performers perform to judges for a currency called 'rep' which they spend on kicking hosts, becoming a host/judge, and cool gear. You need at least 10 rep to gain access to a free gym, which helps you practice most of the talents you can play on this game. This game has very little staff in the moment and applications are in a mess while lots of people desperately try to become a staff member.
- Teams - You can be in 4 different teams. The judges are the people who judge performances, buzzing the red buzzer if a performance is bad and buzzing the golden buzzer if the performance is simply outstanding and amazing. There can be a maximum of 3 judges and some can play the game normally while some are trolls. If you see any troll judges, you can vote to kick them if you have 50 rep (it deletes 5 of your rep though) and players will be in a vote to see if they agree in your decision for the judge to not be judge anymore. The people who preform on stage can do a variety of talents, explained in another page. They must amaze the judges to go through the 'winners door' and collect 15 rep. If the judges dislike the performance, the Host has every right to kill you. Sometimes judges don't buzz the red or golden buzzers, but that's not usually because they don't know their decision! Usually, the judges wait until the end and the Host to say 'Win or kill?' to them to set their vote. If most of the judges votes win, you win and go through the winners door unless the Host strongly disagrees and just kills you because he/she is a troll, and if most of the judges vote 'kill', the Host can kill you, unless he/she is a troll or strongly disagrees with the final decision and tries to make you win anyway. Most performers choose to do the piano talent, which becomes very annoying in the long run. Some judges and hosts even ban the piano talents in the server, despite the rules saying that the piano talent is perfectly acceptable to do no matter the circumstances. The host is the person who takes charge of the stage. They're not supposed to judge people's performances (although many do anyway) and have the job of running the stage smoothly. They must do a variety of jobs. When the performer chooses their talent, the host must set the stage to that talent so the person can perform. The host must kill people who are terrible at their talent too, but some hosts misunderstand or become trolls who kill performers for no reason. They must set rules for certain talents (how many jumps or time on the jump rope, how many chances in the parkours, etc) although many don't so people generally avoid doing the jump rope. Sometimes you get people who abuse the host powers by killing people for no reason or doing a talent, but usually it's because the host doesn't understand what to do because the chances of being the host are so tiny it's usually the person's first time becoming a host. So if you see a abusive host, don't kick him/her straight away, but try to tell the host how to do their position if you know how to. The host would be grateful for your help. If you see a host who's being abusive even though he/she knows the rules, it's a real troll, so kick the host while letting the others know of your reason. While being a host, doing a talent isn't allowed, as the equipment is for the performers and you might disrupt their performance and suffer a lot of backlash from almost the entire server, so be careful of your actions. It costs a lot of Robux for the Server Host gamepass for safety reasons. The Server Host is basically an admin who has a lot of powers. Some try to use the powers for good, to make the game better and smooth. Some use it to cause chaos into the server and do bad stuff to others. If you see an abusive sever host, record him/her as soon as possible, upload it to YouTube, then send a message to the owner of Roblox Got Talent that includes the video's link, and wait. Also try to include the person's name. Then all you can do is wait and hope for action to be taken place (as It usually does when there's enough proof of abusive actions). Most server hosts are friendly and kind though so don't assume that they're all bad just because you met one bad server host. You can also become a server host by being a 'staff'. The 'staff' are people who sent a message to a staff called an 'application' that answers a lot of questions. You can see the forum link in the group when the applications are open. Staff seem to be randomly chosen, so you don't have to type too much in your message to be a staff member, There is a tiny amount of staff members currently so there is a staff application reopen. I attend most of the staff applications but never get any luck, despite all the things I did for the game and typing hundreds of lines of text to the questions posted in the forum. Breaks my heart. I try to put in effort and want to make a game great for others, and I get frowned on because of that, quite a shame.
-- Roblox's Got Talent By Tyrannizer -- Roblox Profile Page (Roblox Friends) -- Yesterday GamePlay Two Player Fidget Spinner Tycoon - First Try! SKYWARS - ROBLOX SKYWARS Battle with Friends - SKYWARS ROBLOX π⛏ - Dear Youtubers, i really hope you enjoyed my video and if you liked my video please subscribe ♥‿♥ I Love you all Chloe Tubers! GamePlay May 2017 KawaiiChloeLim / Chloe Tuber Channel
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