In this video, I am playing Roblox Piggy! I will show you how to escape New Chapter 7 Port Map! I also found one of the Survivor Ability Blueprint blueprint for Decoy!
Updates includes: New Chapter 7 in Piggy Book 2, the Port Map and The Abilities update has been added! You can now use abilities as survivors and equip up to 3 traps as Piggy or Survivors! You will have to find blueprints around different maps for the different ability blueprints!
Do you have what it takes to escape Piggy and uncover the mysteries surrounding the beast?
Each round, players are given the role of survivor or Piggy Depending on the mode you choose to play in. The objective of the survivor team is to complete different tasks and unlock the Exit to escape before the timer runs out while avoiding Piggy. The objective of Piggy is to kill every survivor to prevent them from escaping.
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:03 Loading into Piggy Book 2 Chapter 7 Port Map!
0:03:32 Teal key goes here!
0:04:00 We found several clickable pictures around the map, this is one of them!
0:05:14 Orange Key goes here!
0:05:47 Green key unlocks the light house door!
0:05:55 We need a few batteries in the light house!
0:06:25 What's this! A piece of the ability blueprint!
0:07:51 I found one more of the clickable picture!
0:08:52 I placed in the last battery and The Exit has been unlocked - it's the ship at the port!
0:09:38 Piggy Book 2 Chapter 7 Port - Ending Cutscene!
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-- Roblox Piggy [BOOK 2] CHAPTER 7! By MiniToon
-- About Piggy [BOOK 2] CHAPTER 7
Do you have what it takes to escape Piggy and uncover the mysteries surrounding the beast?
Pick up items / Use items - Click (Computer), Tap (Mobile) or Right Trigger (Controller)
Crouch / Place trap - CTRL (Computer), Tap (Mobile) or B (Controller)
Roblox Piggy Created 1/23/2020, Updated 4/23/2021, Max Players 6, Genre Horror. (Online Multiplayer Game, Roblox, Piggy, Book 2, Chapter 7, Port Map, Ability Blueprints)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
- ROBLOX TOWER HEROES! CODE! GETTING BEETRICE and SHOWCASE - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2021/04/roblox-tower-heroes-code-getting.html
Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Piggy Gameplay / Chloe Lim April 2021 Gamelog / #Piggy / #Chapter7 / #AbilityBlueprint
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