
Roblox Ghost! WON ALL 3 CHAPTERS and got to be GHOST!

Roblox Ghost! WON ALL 3 CHAPTERS and got to be GHOST! Loud Warning!

In this video, I played Roblox Ghost! I Manage to WIN all 3 Chapters in the game and for the last round, I got to be the Ghost Killer! Instead of Piggy (Peppa Pig) it's Ghost characters in this game! Only YOU can save us from The Ghost. Be the hero that everyone needs or be The Ghost that everyone fears. Inspired by Piggy!

There are currently 3 map or Chapters in the game: Chapter 1 -  Hotel, Chapter 2 - Mansion and the new Chapter 3 - Basement!

How to play - Same as most piggy or granny inspired games, you need to find keys or items around the map to unlock doors or fix items, most key and items are inside drawers that will only open up when you walk close to it, BUT the different thing in this game is not to ESCAPE, It is to turn on the furnace and burn 4 pieces of items that is linked to the ghost and you can kill or exorcise the ghost and win the game or round.

-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:50 Chapter 1 - Hotel Intro Cut scene!
0:05:16 Red key is for this door then the blue key for the safe inside this room!
0:05:27 The game needs to fix this, some craw holes are too narrow to fit through! 
0:07:22 The duck tape is for fixing this wires in the green safe room!
0:08:05 Screwdriver is for this power box upstairs!
0:08:27 Now we just need to add fuel to the furnace and burn the four items that will kill or exorcise the ghost!
0:10:13 We did it, we broke the curse and killed or exorcised the ghost!
0:10:22 Chapter 2 - Ending Cut scene!
0:11:08 Chapter 2 - Mansion intro cut scene!
0:12:27 Duck-tape is for fixing this wire in the room I spawned!
0:12:56 The wrench goes to the same room but for the crawl hole!
0:13:57 Placing in the fuel to start the furnace fire! Now we need to burn the 4 items!
0:15:24 We did it again, we won!
0:15:33 Chapter 2 Mansion Ending Cut scene!
0:16:10 Chapter 3 - Basement - Intro Cut-scene!
0:17:03 Red key for this door! After you open you need to go in and pull a switch!
0:18:00 The TNT or dynamite goes on this wall! The blue key for the safe inside!
0:18:44 Screwdriver for this power box!
0:19:46 Yellow Key for this door!
0:21:21 We did it again, We won!
0:21:41 Chapter 3 basement ending Cut-scene!
0:22:32 Playing one more round Chapter 3 Basement to see if I get to be the GHOST!
0:27:04 I won as the Ghost!

-- About Ghost [BETA]
Only YOU can save us from The Ghost.
Be the hero that everyone needs or be The Ghost that everyone fears.
🚨 BETA 🚨 This game is in beta. Some features may not work as intended.
Inspired by Piggy!

Roblox Ghost [BETA] Created 6/4/2020, Updated 6/27/2020, Max Players 6, Genre Horror. (Online Multiplayer Game, Ghost, Escape, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3)

-- Yesterday Gamelog
- Roblox Escape Room! Code and How to Escape Theater INSANE Map! - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2020/07/roblox-escape-room-code-and-how-to.html

Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.

I Love you all Chloe Tubers!

Roblox Ghost Gameplay / Chloe Lim July 2020 Gamelog / #Ghost / #Escape / #ChloeLim
Roblox Ghost! WON ALL 3 CHAPTERS and got to be GHOST!
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