
Roblox Royale High Gameplay! Location of 3 Chest in Sunset Island! Entering the Royal Universe Pageant Contest!

๐ŸŒด Roblox Royale High Gameplay! Location of 3 Chest in Sunset Island! Entering the Royal Universe Pageant Contest! LOUD WARNING!

-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:12 Lets spin the Daily Wheel before we go to Sunset Island! WOW I GOT 3000 DIAMONDS!
0:03:02 Sailing to Sunset Island!
0:03:23 First Chest is at the dork where you arrive! I got a Flower Lei!
0:04:41 Find your way to the camping grounds, Second Chest is inside the pink tent! I got 250 Diamonds!
0:06:14 Location of the Third Chest in the water! I got Tropical Hair Flower!
0:07:07 Checking out the store for new stuff as I have not played for a while!
0:07:31 Trying out the new items I got from the chest on Sunset Island!
0:11:35 Found a smoothie bar and had a fun long time making all the smoothies on the menu!
0:14:08 Signing up for the Pageant Contest!
0:15:01 Didn't have much time for the first round!
0:18:56 Judging time! Chocolate won second place!
0:20:06 We had to sleep at the campsite!
0:21:45 Theme is ORANGE you Glad!
0:23:07 Roasting some Marshmallows and I CAUGHT ON FIRE!
0:26:55 Round 2 of Pageant begins!
0:30:30 Results! Chocolate won FIRST!
0:31:39 Next theme - Freestyle!
0:35:52 Round 3 Pageant Begins!
0:36:36 Results! I WON! FIRST!

-- Chloe Roblox Store (GET IT NOW)

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-- Royale High By callmehbob

-- About Royale High - Sunset Island
❤️Brand New Realm: Sunset Island!๐ŸŒด
๐Ÿ’™Visit your oasis by jumping on the boat by the dock!๐ŸŒŠ

Roblox Royale High Created 4/10/2017, Updated 7/22/2019, Max Players 14, Genre Adventure. (Online Multiplayer Game, Royale High, Sunset Island)

-- Yesterday Gamelog
Roblox Bubble Gum Simulator Gameplay! Codes! NEW EGG, Island and Chest In Rainbow Land! - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2019/07/roblox-bubble-gum-simulator-gameplay_23.html

Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.

I Love you all Chloe Tubers!

Roblox Royale High Gameplay / Chloe Lim July 2019 Gamelog / #RoyaleHigh / #SunsetIsland / #Roblox / #ChloeLim Channel

Roblox Royale High Gameplay! Location of 3 Chest in Sunset Island! Entering the Royal Universe Pageant Contest!
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