
Roblox MeepCity Gameplay! SCHOOL! Going to School and Found a SECRET ROOM in the basement!

🏫 Roblox MeepCity Gameplay! SCHOOL! Going to School and Found a SECRET ROOM in the basement! LOUD WARNING!

-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:01:59 Going to the new SCHOOL to check it out!
0:08:23 The secret room in the basement - Through the Vent!
0:14:35 Checking out the new furniture!
0:15:14 Making my Kitchen a DINER!
0:17:11 Going to town again to check out new wings and blueprints!

-- Chloe Roblox Store (GET IT NOW)

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-- MeepCity By alexnewtron

-- About MeepCity
💙💙 The game that is Powering Imagination! Chat, play games, earn coins, and customize your very own estate! Play with millions of players who play MeepCity! 💙💙
 🏫Check out the NEW SCHOOL! Roleplay in the new MeepCity high school, grab your own locker, eat lunch in the cafeteria, or be a janitor!
🌹Check out all the new spring furniture!
💾 You can now load all of your estates without moving your furniture to the attic!
 📫 Click your mailbox to start!
📈 You can now buy WAY more of each furniture item to fill all your estates!

Roblox MeepCity Created 2/23/2016, Updated 6/8/2019, Max Players 130, Genre Town and City. (Online Multiplayer Game, #MeepCity)

-- Yesterday Gamelog
Roblox Ghost Simulator Gameplay! CODES! New Ghostly Islands and Shelly Quests!
 - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2019/06/roblox-ghost-simulator-gameplay-codes.html

Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.

I Love you all Chloe Tubers!

Roblox MeepCity Gameplay / Chloe Lim June 2019 Gamelog / #ChloeLim Channel / #MeepCity / #School / #Roblox

Roblox MeepCity Gameplay! SCHOOL! Going to School and Found a SECRET ROOM in the basement!
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