
Roblox Pet Simulator Gameplay! Helping a friend glitch into Candy Land! Loud Scream!

🐾 Roblox Pet Simulator Gameplay! Helping a friend glitch into Candy Land (see desc)! Loud Scream!

-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:00:57 Trying out the Egg Machine that is a RIP OFF!
0:02:51 Blame the long video on the LONG WALK I HAVE TO TAKE TO GO TO SPACE! Just Kidding!
0:04:58 Finally Reached Space and met up with a new fan - redpanda321boy1 - he has ALL GOLDEN PETS!
0:06:05 Bought Candy Land Access!
0:16:47 My new BODYGUARD XD!
0:22:10 Shout out to ahtk - DiamondGamerX for giving me another Noob Pet!
0:29:31 Chocolate bought candy land too!
0:30:27 Olivia joined us Outside of Candy land!
0:32:07 Mission - to glitch Olivia up and into CANDY LAND!
0:34:19 SHE MADE IT! INTO CANDY LAND Without buying it!

-- Chloe Roblox Store (GET IT NOW)

If you liked my video please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE ??? !!!

-- Roblox Pet Simulator! by BIG Games Simulators

-- About Pet Simulator
Pickup coins to buy eggs, areas, and pets! Level up your pets and work together with other players! Collect rare pets and trade!
- 🍭 Candy area, pets, and egg!
- 🎲 Random egg!
- πŸ† Gold pets got a makeover!
- 😊 Default pet slots and max pets equipped increased for FREE!
- ⚙️ Pets optimized and stop causing crashes!

Roblox Pet Simulator Created 4/9/2018, Updated 9/2/2018, Max Players 10, Genre All. (Online Multiplayer Game, #PetSimulator)

-- Yesterday Gamelog
Roblox MeepCity Gameplay! SCHOOL UPDATE! Buying School Furniture and Making a SCHOOL! LOUD WARNING! - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2018/09/roblox-meepcity-gameplay-school-update.html

Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.

I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Pet Simulator Gameplay / KawaiiChloeLim August 2018 Gamelog / #ChloeLim Channel / #PetSimulator, #Roblox

Roblox Pet Simulator Gameplay! Helping a friend glitch into Candy Land! Loud Scream!
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